ECO LABEL is a voluntary environmental performance certification and labeling program implemented around the world and is among the world's most demanding environmental labels for certain products. ECO LABEL is an ecological label and describes products that have proven to be environmentally preferable within a certain category.
Today, by many organizations, products are labeled as green or environmental, but contrary to these claims, ECO LABEL is a reliable label based on life cycle considerations and approved by an impartial and independent third-party authority for products independently determined to meet transparent environmental criteria.
The ECO LABEL label on a product means that this product has been approved according to a standard based on scientific studies. Although requirements and product lines differ, all standards mainly include the following areas: toxicity, air quality, energy and water use, recyclability, use of natural resources, and other areas of interest.
The ECO LABEL label has the status of ISO 14024 standard (TS EN ISO 14024 Environmental labels and declarations - Type 1: Environmental labeling - Principles and methods).
Benefits such as improved water and air quality, improved biodiversity and habitat protection, and reduction in greenhouse gases are all inherent in a strategy that protects the environment. It is necessary to define the characteristics of these environmental benefits and the systems behind them. In this respect, the effects of the ECO LABEL program on environmental gains cannot be discussed.
Improved air quality comes first among environmental gains. At the same level, an important environmental gain is dealing with climate change. To cope with climate change, it is necessary to limit greenhouse gas emissions and to make energy use more efficient both regionally and globally. Other environmental gains are improved water quality and biodiversity and habitat conservation.
The ecosystem inhabited, that is, all living organism communities in a particular place, their habitats and interactions, are essential for human health, quality of life and survivalIt provides many things. There are three environmental goals that are critical to being sustainable and protecting the environment: excellent water quality, healthy air quality and preserving biodiversity.