ECO labeling programs generally promote products with reduced environmental impacts throughout their life cycle and aim to provide consumers with more accurate information about the environmental impact of products. In this regard, the ECO LABEL program also tries to change the consumption habits of consumers and encourages more intelligent use of resources and energy in the effort of sustainable development for future generations. Essentially, the development of ecological labeling criteria is a highly complex and controversial issue, and ECO LABEL is a certification and labeling program that has managed to overcome this challenge.
Clean air, clean water and clean foods are factors that increase people's quality of life. Investing in environmental sustainability is extremely important to health and human well-being. The degradation of the environment, namely the air we breathe, the food consumed, the water that is drunk and used, in short, the ecosystems that keep people alive, are seen to be responsible for at least a quarter of the global pollution disease burden. According to many research reports, a healthy environment is integral to the full enjoyment of basic human rights, including the rights to life, health, food, water and sanitation, and quality of life. Air pollution alone is the world's biggest environmental risk to health. Around 7 million people die each year due to bad weather around the world.
As a result of various human activities, the structure and functioning of world ecosystems changed in the second half of the twentieth century to a greater extent than ever in human history. The magnitude of these changes increases as the population and the intensity of economic activity increase. As a result of this The diversity of life on earth is gradually being exhausted. All ecosystems are irreversibly destroyed.
Changes made in food-producing ecosystems in recent years provide significant gains in production. These changes help reduce the number of undernourished and malnourished people and improve human health. In this context, the contribution of ECO LABEL standards cannot be denied. The ECO LABEL certification program takes responsibility for the dissemination of science-based standards developed to support healthy living and to comply with these standards. Disrupting 60 percent of ecosystem activities means an increase in poverty for a significant portion of the world's population and inequality among human groups.