Furniture produced all over Europe, including our country, constitutes almost a quarter of the world production. In this respect, the potential for transition to a more sustainable furniture production is quite high. However, the main effects of the furniture production chain on employee health and the environment are the emission of toxic substances and deforestation. The recycling of furniture is unfortunately not at the desired level and is still limited to a large number of discarded items.
ECO LABEL criteria aim to reduce the environmental impact of furniture production and comply with the legal regulations in force. These criteria are intended to restrict the known environmentally harmful aspects of traditional furniture production, such as the supply of non-renewable materials and the use of hazardous chemical compounds. Actually, the legal regulations that have been issued aim to reduce these negative effects.
ECO LABEL criteria require sustainable use of wood resources in order to contribute to the limitation of deforestation. There is great concern that the world's rainforests could disappear in the near future, if it goes on like this. Within the framework of the ECO LABEL program, raw materials such as wood, cork, bamboo and rattan used in furniture, It must not contain genetically modified organisms and must have a sustainable forest management label from an independent third-party certification system such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). These criteria play a key role in efforts to use forest resources more efficiently and encourage a critical mass demand for sustainable furniture.