

Accreditation means to give confidence. The proof of the quality, accuracy and reliability of products and services is obtained with the approval of an impartial and independent third party accredited organization. Accreditation is the recognition by an accreditation body that an organization is competent to fulfill certain tasks, namely the subjects for which it is accredited. Accreditation is a way of proving quality and competence.


Our organization has been accredited by the following two international organizations in order to confirm that the products and services of the requesting manufacturers meet certain criteria in terms of human health and environmental conditions:

  • ECO Label Institute (ECOLABEL Ecological Certification Institute): It is an international accreditation body. It accredits laboratories and evaluation institutions from all over the world. At the same time, it continues joint studies with local and foreign organizations to strengthen the accreditation system.
  • EAF Accreditation: It is a non-profit organization that works in accordance with international standards and requirements, maintains its integrity and impartiality, taking into account the national and public interest. EAF is an independent, impartial and transparent accreditation body. Decisions taken by EAF are not subject to any commercial or financial liability.

Our organization has a strong staff that closely follows the developments in the world in the field of science and technology and constantly improves itself. At the same time, it uses modern test equipment and applies test methods accepted all over the world. Within this framework, it provides ECO LABEL certification services to manufacturers.