Various eco-labeling programs focus not only on reducing hazardous chemicals but also at the wider environmental impact of products. For example,
The ECO LABEL labeling program seeks to reduce environmental impacts and apply reuse and recycling principles during the disposal of products. All products must comply with ECO LABEL standards. This program pioneers the future-oriented production of products. The production and import of unsustainable products should be reduced. Not only products but also services need to be raised to this standard level.
Interior cleaning services are among the areas that need to be improved within the scope of eco-labeling studies. All products must be produced according to an eco label standard. Houses and workplaces also need to be audited environmentally. In short, eco labeling should apply to all products and services that affect daily life and should be promoted worldwide.
In recent years, the proliferation of different types of eco-labels has led to the discussion of different ecological requirements in terms of indoor cleaning materials. Essentially, eco labels need to be comprehensive, clear, reliable and customer focused. Moreover, clarity is the most important factor in the proliferation of eco labels.
The ECO LABEL environmental label is built on criteria that guarantee indoor cleaning services products: cleaning products and accessories with low environmental impact, employees trained in environmental issues, a basis for the environmental management system and a correct form of waste management.
In short, ECO LABEL criteria focus on the environmental performance of the products throughout the entire product life cycle. In this respect, it differs from other environmental labeling programs. The entire life cycle of the product is taken into account when determining the environmental criteria.
Our organization has a strong staff that closely follows the developments in the world in the field of science and technology and constantly improves itself. At the same time, it uses modern test equipment and applies test methods accepted all over the world. In this context, it provides ECO LABEL certification services for manufacturing companies for interior cleaning services.