Eco labeling programs include not only products but also services. The tourism sector is an important source of income for many countries. Campsites and tourist accommodation can put pressure on water and energy resources and result in improper waste management. It may also cause disturbing consequences for local biodiversity, habitats, wildlife and the ecological structure of the area. Tourists mainly want to stay in unspoilt natural areas that are healthy and pollution-free. There is an increasing demand for ecologically sound campsites. While hosting visitors through this program, it is ensured that the camp sites and accommodation areas will meet all environmental standards regarding site location, construction features, landscaping and general operation of the enterprise. Eco tagging programs for campsites promote a holistic chain of custody.
ECO LABEL certification and labeling program has ecological criteria suitable for camping areas and makes eco labeling based on these criteria. Visitors demand a green and pristine zone when choosing their campsite, but are often disappointed. In fact, most of the damage to the environment is caused by tourism activities. In this respect, in order to pursue a more sustainable strategy for tourism in our country, the entire tourism sector should focus on eco-label programs.
The use of renewable, recycled and sustainably managed material resources, reduction of energy and greenhouse gas emissions, and improvement of the environmental performance of the materials used throughout the useful life of the campgrounds are top priorities for the future of the tourism industry.
Tourism activities have an important environmental, economic and socio-cultural impact, which makes the sector important for environmental initiatives. Ecological movements are growing more and more globally, with actions spread widely among various bodies such as governments, associations, businesses, academics and non-governmental organizations.
Our organization has a strong staff that closely follows the developments in the world in the field of science and technology and constantly improves itself. At the same time, it uses modern test equipment and applies test methods accepted all over the world. In this context, it provides ECO LABEL certification services to manufacturers for camping area services.