The role of product labeling in studies aimed at improving the safety, environmental efficiency and quality of consumer products has been increasing over the last four decades. Initially, this type of labeling was considered a key tool for consumer protection in the field of product safety. This approach is based on the goal of protecting the consumer by providing the consumer with the appropriate information to make the best purchasing decision through eco-labeling. Later this approach started to expand into the field of environmental quality. Today, eco labeling has become an increasingly common environmental policy tool. In fact, eco-labeling has evolved from a marketing tool to a public policy tool over time, and its environmental success is spreading at an extraordinary rate.
Numerous eco label programs have now been developed that are used to highlight the assumed environmental quality of various product groups. ECO LABEL certification and labeling program is one of them, and it is a comprehensive evaluation of compliance with robust criteria by an independent organization. It is a third-party certification based on However, most of the eco labels are the labels issued by the companies themselves or by private organizations, taking into account certain ecological features of the product, such as a recyclable product, or simply stating that the product is environmentally friendly on a large scale. Among them, ECO LABEL stands out easily.
The hard coatings product line includes natural stones, agglomerated stones, concrete paving units, mosaic tiles, ceramic tiles and clay tiles, suitable for indoor and outdoor use without any structural function. The criteria for hard coatings are applicable to both floor and wall coverings if the production process is the same and the same materials and production methods are used.
While establishing the criteria, it is aimed to reduce the effects on habitats and related resources, reduce energy consumption, reduce the release of toxic or polluting substances in the environment, reduce the use of hazardous substances in finished products, and avoid safety and health risks in the living environment.
Our organization has a strong staff that closely follows the developments in the world in the field of science and technology and constantly improves itself. At the same time, it uses modern test equipment and applies test methods accepted all over the world. In this context, it provides ECO LABEL certification services for hard coatings to manufacturers.