In recent years, people from all walks of life have been worried about the negative effects of industrialization on the environment. These concerns are putting increasing pressure on various industries to adopt environmentally friendly production processes.
Documentation and labeling programs are two basic tools that provide consumers with previously unknown information. Effective certification and labeling systems direct consumption and production habits towards a socially responsible and sustainable structure.
Eco labels are attached to products that meet the environmentally friendly criteria determined by official institutions, associations or certification bodies. These criteria are determined on the basis of the environmental impact of the product's life cycle and on the basis of extensive scientific research.
Eco labels focus on certain environmental aspects of products. It covers many environmental aspects, for example energy consumption, water use, timber resource, and so on. Eco labels have a different structure than green symbols and environmental claims. Eco-labeled products are evaluated and verified by an independent and impartial third party. As a result of these studies, the products are guaranteed to meet certain environmental performance requirements.
Industries, government agencies and consumers are vital stakeholders in any eco-labeling program. Government support must be absolutely necessary for eco-labeling programs. Almost all international eco-labeling programs require government funding and support. Industry support is essential, as eco tags are optional. Other important stakeholders are scientific societies, standards organizations and associations.
The criteria determined for the main products that are certified and labeled by our organization are listed as follows:
In this period when the ecological balance is almost irreparably deteriorating, our organization acts with a sense of responsibility and tries to support manufacturers in various sectors to prove their ecological efforts.